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Search for two words occurring in one sentence

To find sentences where two words co-occur although not necessarily next to each other:
  1. From the File menu, choose New and then Query Builder (or click on the Query Builder icon that looks a bit like a 7). The Query Builder window opens
  2. Click in the left-hand, black box where it says <bncDocs>. A new box pops up.
  3. Choose SGML. A new window opens.
  4. In the top of this SGML window you see a list. Click on S to define that the scope of your query is within one sentence. Then click OK and you are taken back to the Query Builder window, where you now should see S in the black, left-hand box.
  5. Click in the right-hand, red box. From the list that pops up you choose Edit and then Phrase. A Phrase Query box opens.
  6. Type your first word (or phrase) into the Phrase Query box and click OK. You are taken back to the Query Builder window.
  7. Click on the node pointing down from the box now containing your first word. A new, red box is created
  8. Click in the new red box. From the list that pops up you choose Edit and then Phrase. A Phrase Query box opens.
  9. Type your second word (or phrase) into the Phrase Query box and click OK. You are taken back to the Query Builder window
  10. Now click on the line connecting the two boxes. A list appears. Select Link type and then Two-way. The line now looks like a two-way arrow.
  11. Click on OK to execute the search.

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