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See all word-class tags a word has been assigned

To see what POS-tags has been assigned to a word, you can use the Word or Addkey query function.

Word Query

  1. Click on the Word Query icon (or use the File menu New Query and then Word). The Word Query window opens
  2. Type your word in the empty box at the top and the click Lookup. A list of words that begin with the string you have entered appear in the middle box, along with their frequency in the corpus (or the currently active partition).
  3. Click on one of the words and it will appear in the lower box, together with information about its forms (word-class information in the shape of c5 and Type tags - full and simplified word-class information respectively). If you cannot see the lower box, tick the Forms box at the bottom of the Word Query window.
  4. Click on one of the words or forms and then click Query to make a search for that item (use ctrl+click to select more than one).

Additional Key Query

  1. Click on the Addkey query icon (or use the File menu New Query and then Addkey). The Addkey Query window opens
  2. Type your word in the box at the top of the Addkey window and click the Refresh button. A list appears in the bottom box of the window, listing all the tags this word has been assigned in the corpus.
  3. Click on the tag you want and then click OK to search (use ctrl+click to select more than one tag).

Up: Contents Previous: See how often a word occurs in the corpus Next: Display results as a chart