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Online access to the BNC and other corpora + links to corpus-related resources

Access to the BNC

BNC Simple Search
A free search tool on the BNC website. Useful for quick queries where frequency information is useful and where 50 hits is enough to explore.
BNC at Brigham Young Univ by Mark Davies
A free interface to the BNC. Search for words/phrases, restrict by text category and word-class and choose different search result display options. Quick and powerful.
Just the Word
Free, simple application that shows combinations with and offers alternatives to the words or phrases entered.
Phrases in English by W. H. Fletcher in consultation with M. Stubbs
Free tool that identifies phrases. Search for n-grams consisting of up to eight words or part-of-speech tags.
BNC World w SARA - trial account (registration and download needed)
30-day free trial account to the BNC World server. Users need to register and install the SARA client.
BNCweb (restricted access), developed at Univ of Zurich
A comprehensive interface to the corpus developed in Zurich. Once it has been installed on an institutional server, registered users can access it via a web browser.
Shogakukan Corpus Network (subscription only)
Japanese interface to the BNC (in Japanese)

Other online corpora (small selection, see links below for more resources)

Collins WordbanksOnline (Bank of English Sampler)
Simple free interface for searching part of Bank of English (56 million words). Restrict search by type of text, retrive collocations.
Corpus del Espanol by Mark Davies
Free access to large Spanish corpus (100 million words) containing material from 1200s to 1900s.
MICASE Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
Free access to transcripts of over 1.8 million words of spoken data. Search online or download.
OPUS an open source parallel corpus
Texts in many languages, aligned with a kind of multi-lingual search interface.
Corpora in Oxford (resticted access)
Corpora available via Oxford libraries' platform (under 'Subject List' -> 'Linguistics' -> 'Corpora')

Other resources and links

Bookmarks for Corpus-based Linguists by David Lee
A comprehensive and useful list of corpora, tools, and other resources by Sabine Braun
"Links and references for the use of corpora, corpus linguistics and corpus analysis in the context of language learning and teaching"
PALA Corpus Stylistics SIG
Information for those interested in corpus stylistics
Developing Linguistic Corpora: a guide to good practice
Free guide to advice on corpus creation
Corpus Linguistics (McEnery and Wilson)
Website to accompany the book.
Oxford English Corpus
The worlds' largest corpus? (2 billion words). Information about it and examples of how it is used.

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