Report to BNC project Committee <date>17 April 1991 <docno>OUCS-PC-R03 <author>Lou Burnard & Dominic Dunlop <body> <h1>Staffing <p>Two members of staff have now been appointed to the project. Dominic Dunlop began work as project leader on 2nd April, and Gavin Burnage as programmer analyst on 15th April. The workload does not yet justify appointment of the secretarial staff allowed for in the budget. <h1>Accomodation and Equipment < p>The project has been allocated a basement room within OUCS and office equipment installed. Ethernet, data network and telephone connexions are in place. Computing equipment for the project is on order, but delivery is not expected until the end of May. This will initially consist of 2 SUN Workstations, and a total of 2 Gb of disc storage. Until this is installed, project personnel are using the OUCS VAX Cluster and local SUN machines. <h1>Task-related activities <p>An e-mail account NATCORP@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK has been set up to provide a single point of entry for information to be sent to the project within OUCS. This same account will be used to provide initial document management and storage facilities for the project. A working paper on document management within the project is being drafted. <p> Dominic and Gavin have begun the task of familiarising themselves with the project tasks and background, and preparing some initial requirements for software. Lou has begun work on a draft discussion paper concerning the target encoding scheme for the corpus. </body> </gdoc>